Hands of Hope is a community of people who have lost a spouse. Our mission is to create a community where widows and widowers can feel supported in their time of grief. Hands of Hope offers compassion, encouragement and a hopeful future for those who have lost a loved one. Hope is one of those things in life you cannot do without. I've come to recognize that your mind will believe everything you tell it. I want to feed it Hope, Truth, & Love.....

Our Story
Our Story
Hands of Hope was born out of the desire to help others who have lost a spouse.
In September of 2021 my husband and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. We gathered our family together (8 children + 8 spouses and 18 grandchildren) along with many close friends to celebrate. A photographer was hired to capture the event. Little did I know how valuable these photos would soon be.
A few weeks later on October 10, my husband, Pat, suddenly passed away while we were on vacation. All of our lives were drastically changed forever.
Afterwards, besides wrestling with the grief and details of the funeral, nothing compared to the days and weeks that followed to make up for the loneliness.
In those days I just wanted someone to hold my hand and let me talk about my spouse and tell me everything was going to be ok. I'm learning that grief & hope make great partners. It's ok to grieve, it's ok to not be ok, and I'm still here. How do I even try to manage without him because the hurt is so deep. Somehow while in this process, I believe God can sanctify our pain and create a tenderness toward others. Because of God's grace he opens our eyes to really see and empathize with those who have a lost a spouse. That is exactly what has happened to me. In the midst of my own pain and sorrow, my eyes have been opened. I want you to know that you are not alone! So many times I take comfort in God's word. Isaiah 41:10, "Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
As a community we are here to help you in your grief journey. I hope this can be a resource of information and caring as we go through this grief journey together.
After all...........

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